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Customer Invoices

The customer invoices tab organizes all invoices for a specific customer

Emily Bowen avatar
Written by Emily Bowen
Updated over a week ago

The customers invoice tab organizes all invoices for a specific customer.

  • Unpaid

  • Paid

  • Marked as Paid

  • Voided

  • Past Due

Create a new invoice for a customer by selecting +New invoice

  • When an invoice is created from this page, the Customer Name and Customer Email will auto-populate in the invoice form

Use the search bar to locate specific invoices for the customer.

Create an Invoice

When using SwipeSimple on a computer, you can create, customize and send Invoices. Now, in addition to sending Invoices to your customer via email, you can text or send the invoice via SMS.

To create an Invoice, navigate to the Invoices tab.

Click the Add New Invoice button.

Select the Customer Name field and either search within your existing list of saved customer names or create a new customer.

For an existing customer with an email on file, that email will populate automatically. If entering in a new customer’s name, add that customer’s email. Any new customer name and email will be saved to the Customers records.

In creating an invoice, there are required and optional fields:

Required Fields

Optional Fields

Customer Name


Customer Email

Due Date

Invoice Number



Unit Price

Review information in the invoice to ensure it is correct. Note: You will not be able to edit the invoice after sending. Once the invoice details have been entered correctly, click Send Invoice and input the customer’s email address, phone number, or both.

Adding Items to your invoice

In the description field, you can enter an item from your existing catalog or create a new item.

Note: adding new items will not create a new item in your current item catalog automatically.

To enter an item from your existing catalog, either begin typing the name of that item in the search bar or use the drop down arrow to search.

Search and filter invoices

From the main Invoices tab on SwipeSimple Dashboard, you can search by invoice number or customer name in the main search bar, or use the filter drop down on the left to search by date sent or status.

To filter on the date range, click on the filter button, then click on the date field and choose an appropriate date range from the calendar picker.

To filter by status, check the box next to the relevant filter(s). Note: Past Due invoices are technically also Unpaid invoices and will show up when filtering on Unpaid.

How do invoice statuses work?

From the Invoices tab on SwipeSimple Dashboard, you’ll see the Status column and corresponding values beneath.

Re-Sending an invoice

From the Invoices tab on SwipeSimple Dashboard, you can resend any invoice.

Click into the invoice you would like to resend and click the Resend Invoice button in the top right hand corner.

Next, enter the email address or phone number you would like to send the invoice to (the previously used email or phone is auto-populated for convenience). Additionally, you can choose to send yourself a copy.

To complete the process, click the Send Invoice button.

Can I void an invoice?

From the Invoices tab on SwipeSimple Dashboard, you can void any invoice.

To void an invoice, go to the invoice details page and click the Void Invoice button in the upper right hand corner.

Voiding an invoice makes it no longer payable by a cardholder and can not be undone.

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