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Scheduled Payments

You can schedule future payments using the Customers tab or Scheduled Payments tab within SwipeSimple.

Emily Bowen avatar
Written by Emily Bowen
Updated over a week ago

Customers tab: Within this tab, select the CUSTOMER # for the desired customer, select the Scheduled Payments tab, and select +New scheduled payment

  • Scheduled Payments tab: Within this tab, select +Add New Scheduled Payment, and select a customer from the Choose Customer dropdown menu

Payments can be scheduled as far out in the future as needed. You may schedule the following types of payments for any customer with a stored credit card:

  • One-time charges - Schedule a one-off charge for a customer on a future date.

  • Installments - Split a payment into multiple payments equally and charge a stored credit card automatically at each payment interval.

  • Subscriptions - Recurring payments that charge a stored credit card automatically at each payment interval.

Scheduling One-Time Charges

To create a one-time charge for a customer, follow the steps listed above.

Input the following payment information:

  • Merchant Account (located in the top right corner of the screen, only applies to merchants with multiple merchant accounts) - Select the merchant account from which you want to schedule the payment.

  • Active Card - Select a stored credit card to put the charge on.

  • Description - Details in this field will be reflected on receipt(s) sent to the customer.

  • Reference Number (optional)

  • Scheduled Payment type - Select Once.

  • Start Date - Select the date which the scheduled payment should be charged.

  • Total Amount

  • Tax (will only show if tax is turned on in Account Settings)

Click on Schedule to schedule the payment. The new scheduled payment will be added to the list of Scheduled Payments on the customer profile page, as well as in the Scheduled Payments tab, when successfully created.

Scheduling Installments

To create an installment for a customer, follow the steps listed above.

Input the following payment information:

  • Merchant Account (located in the top right corner of the screen, only applies to merchants with multiple merchant accounts) - Select the merchant account from which you want to schedule the payment.

  • Active Card - Select a stored credit card to put the charge on.

  • Description - Details in this field will be reflected on receipt(s) sent to the customer.

  • Reference Number (optional)

  • Payment Type - Select Installments.

  • Frequency - Select between Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly.

  • Start Date - Select the date which the subscription should start.

  • Choose between Total Amount or Frequency amount

    • if Total Amount: enter in the total amount and the number of installments

    • if Frequency amount: enter in the amount per payment and the number of payments to be made

  • Tax (will only show if tax is turned on in Account Settings)

The bottom of the page will display the end date and the amount of each payment*.

Click on Schedule to schedule the installment. The new scheduled payment will be added to the list of Scheduled Payments on the customer profile page, as well as in the Scheduled Payments tab, when successfully created.

*In cases where total does not split evenly, the difference will be reflected in the last payment.

Scheduling Subscriptions

To create a subscription for a customer, follow the steps listed above.

Input the following payment information:

  • Merchant Account (located in the top right corner of the screen, only applies to merchants with multiple merchant accounts) - Select the merchant account from which you want to schedule the payment.

  • Active Card - Select a stored credit card to put the charge on.

  • Description - Details in this field will be reflected on receipt(s) sent to the customer.

  • Reference Number

  • Payment Type - Select Subscription.

  • Frequency - Select between Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly.

  • Start Date - Select the date which the subscription should start.

  • Amount per interval

  • Tax (will only show if tax is turned on in Account Settings)

The subscription will end when you cancel the scheduled payment.

Click on Schedule to schedule the subscription. The new scheduled payment will be added to the list of Scheduled Payments on the customer profile page, as well as in the Scheduled Payments tab, when successfully created.

Pausing Scheduled Payments

To pause a scheduled payment:

  • Login to

  • Click on the Scheduled Payments tab 

  • Select the Description of the payment they would like to place on hold

  • Select Pause Scheduled Payment on the top right of the screen

If you'd like to resume a payment that has been placed on hold, you can resume it by following the same steps.

Note: If tax and reference number are added, SwipeSimple will attempt to qualify scheduled payments for Level 2 Interchange Qualification

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